During one of the spare moments I had!! during lockdown I found that The Woodsmith magazine had created a CNC and also put the plans in their magazine. Unfortunately it was in their 2019 series and available only at extortionate prices over the net. Then I was lucky the Woodsmith company ran a sale and I purchased all of their issues up until the end of 2019 on USB.
Rather than go straight to build, I decided to take the plans and build the machine virtually using Timble Sketchup. They have an online version called My Sketchup which is free to use.
The images to the left are from the sketchup file I created from the woodsmith plans. You can see that its quite a long model. So I decided to design a modification that would give the user the option to build a cutting bed that suits their available space and needs
my modification, was to reduce the length of the main bed to the control box, and design a modular section that can be made to any length and slots onto the main bed end. This design requires a few other parts to be modified. The user will have to adjust the lengths of both the main rails as well as the bed drive rod.
To the left is a gif that shows the various parts of the modified design.
If you select this text you can access the sketchup file on the 3D Warehouse