All plans are free to download and use and only require a few tools and a bit of time to create.
If you like these or any of the other content on this site then please use the comments or the contact page's to let me know as well clicking on the facebook like on the home page.
Thanks for looking
Typical tools and materials required include:
Maypole Teddies
A nice group of teddies sat on a roundabout. The teddies spin around the may pole on the attached ribbons
Fire Engine
These plans are approximate, keep this in mind if you decide to do this and make allowance for the position of the holes/pins
A great little puzzle to make
Beetle Car
A nice puzzle of a clasic design
This is a more complicated model with a number of small parts. Good fun to make.
Sports Car
Not many parts in this one a nice puzzle to star with
The most complicated of all the puzzles - a Morticer would help a lot, but a threat saw will still work well for the windows. Ive also now updated this design to work on a laser cutter, including so decoration as part of the files. I will upload an SVG file shortly.